Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Day 22 (3 Weeks)

Yesterday's physiotherapy session (starts and ends with massage):
  1. Knee press 1 x 10 repetitions.
  2. Leg raises, 1 x 15 + 1 x 10.
  3. Squats with vertical lower legs, using wall bars for balance, focused on using mainly with the left leg, 2 x 15.
  4. Balancing on the left leg on a foam pad, not sure for how long.
  5. Shallow single-legged squats on the foam pad (not even close to 90 degrees of flexion), 2 x 10.
  6. Leg abductions with an elastic band, 2 x 15.
Homework for today: exercises 1, 3 and 6, plus a stretch done by laying flat on the back with laterally extended arms, bring extended leg flat down to the opposite side at 90 degrees to the body (e.g. bring left leg flat to the right side of the body) - all exercises 3 x 10 repetitions.

The knee felt very good right afterward, but became a bit sore and sensitive once it cooled down. I've noticed a change: it used to be least sensitive in the morning or after a rest, and it would get more tender and sore the longer I'd spend on my feet. Now it feels worse when I first get up, and then gets a better as it warms up.

Today is DOMS galore. Muscles throughout the thigh are sore and it's been getting worse as the day goes on. We'll see how capable I'll be to push it at therapy tomorrow.

The hematoma feels like it's starting to break apart and flush out. The swelling doesn't look much different, but it is softer to the touch, with less clearly defined borders. I hope it will be gone completely by the end of the week.

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