Sunday, August 28, 2016

1 Month, 9 Days

Friday was the final PT session with this therapist, and from next week I'll be starting sessions with my old therapist. We did:
  1. Stationary bike, 5 min, 106 RPM, 139 BPM, 141 W.
  2. Leg raises, 2 x 15 repetitions.
  3. Heel pulls, 2 x 10 repetitions.
  4. Balance with opposite leg extensions on the foam pad, 2 x 6 repetitions.
  5. Shallow single-legged squats on the foam pad, 1 x 10.
  6. Leg abductions with the elastic band, 2 x 15.
  7. Squats leaning on the Pilates ball, 2 x 15.
  8. Massage.
Yesterday I went for a ride on a bike-share bike again; seven minutes around the block, light tempo but a little faster than last time - I even switched to second gear out of seven when I got some momentum going. The knee feels OK, there is no pain and it's tracking straight. However, I can feel that pushing harder with the other leg, sparing the bad one. I think that's to be expected, but I'll try to make sure it doesn't become a habit.

Here's an overview of the current stage in my recovery:
  • Finished the first block of physiotherapy where I had 9 sessions spread over two weeks; the next block will include 9 sessions with one session per week.
  • I'm doing a combination of glute and quad exercises daily using an elastic band, balance board and exercise ball (with one rest day per week).
  • I'm also doing hamstring and glute stretches daily; I occasionally try to do hip flexor and TFL stretches, but at the moment they still cause some pain in the left knee before I feel the stretch in the actual muscles I'm targeting.
  • I can walk up stairs one and two steps at a time.
  • I can walk and even run down stairs (not super fast though).
  • I can walk at a fairly quick pace, around 7-8 minutes for a kilometer for a couple of kilometers or more.
  • I can ride a stationary bike for five minutes about as hard as my current cardio conditioning allows me with no limitation from the knee.
  • I can ride an actual bike outside at a fairly easy pace (no idea of the speed); if I push harder, I start loading the good leg more.
  • I can swim breaststroke and crawl as long as I don't try to push too hard with the legs.
  • I think the hematoma at the incision site is completely gone; some swelling appears if I spend a lot of time on my feet and disappears with rest, ice and/or NSAIDs.
  • There is a hard bump in the area of the incision that feels different than the hematoma on touch; not sure what it is.
  • I still can't really run - the last time I tried I did some ten-fifteen meters at a jogging pace and I could have gone further but it was with a pronounced hobble and each step hurt, not too much but enough that I was unwilling to push it further.

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